'Indoor Garden' by Kiarn Pointon
‘CBD Perspectives' by Hau Bui

'Forest within the 100' by Sophie Sloup, Koby Murnane, Mandy Loo, Jean Gosal, Hongye Zhang and Cong Tri Duong

'Clouds and Rain' by Anastasia Koutsivos

'Rainy Surface Reflections' by Ellen Maria Karlsson-Parra
‘Spiral Stair' by Erica Gunawan


Tubeset tasked students with designing and making temporary installations within RMIT's faculty of architecture (Building 100), with black cardboard tubing from a previous project supplied as the basis for their designs.

The primary objective for this subject was for students to gain a deeper understanding of how things are put together by focusing on detailing through the act of physically making.

Note that this subject was interrupted by the May/June lock-down in Melbourne, despite this half the class were able to deliver their installations to a high level of resolution.